Take Back Control of the Cloud with web3

Securing the path to compliance with blockchain data storage and AI Analytics of Encrypted Data in the Cloud.

OmniIndex enables users to drive profit and optimize their business operations by adding valuable data to the Cloud without compromising governance or compliance requirements.

This is possible because OmniIndex has built the world’s only commercial decentralized data platform enabling analytics and data visualizations to be performed on fully encrypted data with no third-party access.

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PostgresBC’s unique combination of blockchain and FHE technology ensures the threat of ransomware attacks is eliminated. This is because an attacker cannot access the data unless they have been given permission, and the immutable data cannot be encrypted with an attacker’s own encryption.


PostgresBC can provide real-time insights on fully encrypted data from within the blockchain. For example, an AI risk assessment of our in-house logs holding over 1.5 million encrypted records pulling back 200,000 rows can be done in under 400 milliseconds.


PostgresBC connects to all leading tools as it is a Postgres fork. Users gain the full functionality of these tools and the collaboration and productivity workflow they are used to, while gaining the security and speed of PostgresBC’s blockchain storage and analytics of encrypted data with no steep learning curve.