Furture-X Education Customer Story

Actionable Threat Intelligence from Fully Encrypted Log Files to Protect Vulnerable Educational Data

Cross River State in Nigeria is using OmniIndex’s log file intelligence to ensure the highly confidential and regulated educational data of the state’s students and staff is kept secure. This is done in partnership with Future-X Education who are using OmniIndex as the data platform for their Educational Management System.

Educational data is highly sensitive and regulated. As such, it is crucial to have a transparent record of data access and to identify any potential threats/vulnerabilities in the database while keeping that information confidential and secure.

The OmniIndex Solution

The EMIS (Educational Management Information System) was migrated to OmniIndex PostgresBC and LoggerBC was therefore able to run automatically on the fully encrypted data to provide real-time threat intelligence and ensure confidentiality.

Logs are stored in the PostgresBC immutable blockchain and are secured with homomorphic encryption. This ensures they cannot be maliciously or accidentally edited, and they can remain encrypted while they are analyzed. This ensures maximum security and privacy.

Log File Collection & Real-Time Processing

Open Telemetry libraries collect log data. Data is encrypted with OmniIndex homomorphic encryption and exported to the PostgresBC data platform in real-time.

Log File Security 

Data is stored in FutureX's own PostgresBC instance where it is immutable and decentralized. There is no possible third-party access and zero-trust access ensures nobody is able to view data they do not have permissions to accidentally or maliciously. 

Real-Time Threat Intelligence & Insights

Encrypted log files can be queried using familiar SQL commands. Our AI Chatbot, Boudica, also enables you to ask natural language questions and receive meaningful answers directly from your encrypted data.

As it is a private SLM model, no data is shared externally with none of your private data ever exposed.

Finally, Dropblock seamlessly integrates with all industry leading tools. This enables analytics and data visualizations on the fully encrypted data within your favoured workflow with zero exposure or third-party access.