Take Back Control of the Cloud with web3

Securing the path to compliance with blockchain data storage and AI Analytics of Encrypted Data

PostgresBC enables users to drive profit and optimize their business operations by adding valuable data to Google Cloud without compromising governance or compliance requirements. 

This is possible because OmniIndex has built the world’s only commercial decentralized data platform enabling analytics and data visualizations to be performed on fully encrypted data. 

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No Third-Party Access While Using Google Cloud

Data is stored in your own fully encrypted blockchain as opposed to in Google Drive and is encrypted at all times.

This means you have full control with neither OmniIndex, Google nor any other third-party able to access your data without permission.

PostgresBC is cloud-native and fully integrated to ensure a seamless workflow.

Insights From Fully Encrypted Data

OmniIndex's patented FHE means data can remain encrypted while being subjected to computations - including AI/ML analytics.

This means you can use your fully encrypted data in tools including Looker & BigQuery to gain insights and produce dashboards without ever exposing the sensitive source data.

Or you can perform AL/ML analytics within the blockchain itself.

Full Use of Google Workspace

PostgresBC connects easily to Google Cloud tools and Google Workspace so you can collaborate on files without risk of exposure.

What’s more, OmniIndex unleashes Gemini for Google Workspace so it can act as a coach, thought partner, source of inspiration and productivity booster, all while helping ensure every user and organization has control over their data due to the decentralized blockchain storage.