Automated PII Redaction

Protect Regulated and Confidential PII with Automated AI Redaction

Dropblock’s automatic PII redaction enables an organization and user to redact PII data (telephone numbers, social security numbers, zip codes, email addresses) to ensure none of this regulated and confidential information is exposed when a file is stored or shared.

The redacted data is encrypted with FHE and stored in the user’s own blockchain storage. Only authorized users are then able to unredact that data once more, meaning they can share the file with others with complete confidence the redacted information cannot be exposed.

As the redaction is done using military grade encryption, any confidential information can be protected with it impossible to read without the encryption key or authorization.

PII Flyer

The Dropblock AI can be set at a system level to automatically redact set information within all files in an organization’s workflow, or within set access levels and groups. This can be configured by the admin in a file called patterns.conf.

Once set, this selected information will be redacted automatically when the file is saved. This means that confidenital or regulated PII data remains fully protected while the file is stored or shared. 

This can be essential for organizations working across international borders. 

The OmniIndex AI does not require extensive training. Instead, it can be 'trained' to instantly identify and work within a rule-based structure. Once the system has been told the pattern for the desired PII data, it works immediately to automatically redact that data on save.

The admin can type any patterns that they are looking for (Regex) and the system will look for these patterns and then ascertain whether it needs to redacted or not. For example:

